2014년 10월 31일 금요일

Self evaluation for first draft (Week 11)


1) What score do you think you deserve? Here is the rubric:
2 points - The first draft is thoughtful and a good start to an effective persuasive essay. It demonstrates an understanding of the classical argument.
1 point - The student completes a first draft that demonstrates an understanding of the classical argument
0 points - The first draft is inadequate

I think I deserve 1 point. My organization fits in classical argument but I need more research. I know that I didn't find enough materials. (It was hard to find them..) Therefore I think I need to strengthen my 'confirmation' part for my persuasive essay. 

2) What did you do well?
I give actual examples that can be easily understood. Also, statistics from Makiind, professional company of social media branding, makes my essay more reliable. 
Arguments are based off of opinions and personal feelings.

3) What could you have done better?
Research. It was hard to find enough research to support my statement.
However, if I invest more time, I could find more study related to it or statistics.

4) Which part of the classical argument did you use the best?
My narration was good. I divided it into two part; SNS and diplomacy.
It helps understanding their definition. Also, I explained how they can be connected.

5) Which part of the classical argument did you use the most poorly?
Confirmation. I need more research to support my statement.
Refutation part was also not that good. To be more persuasive, I had to find more opinion of opponents and try to refute them.

6) What's your strategy to make your second draft better?
I have to make my thesis statement more persuasive. To achieve it, modifying the thesis statement or changing it is needed. Maybe I will change it into 'Korean wave, a kind of Korean cultural diplomacy, has problem' and it also related to cultural diplomacy like thesis statement in first draft. 

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