2014년 10월 10일 금요일

Refutation and Concession of First Draft (Week 9)


4. Refutation and Concession, which looks at opposing viewpoints to the writer’s claims, anticipating objections from the audience, and allowing as much of the opposing viewpoints as possible without weakening the thesis.


  1. Anticipate their arguments. 
  2. Create strong counterarguments.
  3. Strengthen your persuasive argument. 


1. What is my thesis?
Social Network Service, so-called SNS, is an effective tool for diplomacy of Korea.

2. What is the opposite position?

Opponents think that SNS rather harm diplomacy with their inaccurate information and indiscriminate prevalence.

3. What arguments can I anticipate?

SNS provide us with inaccurate information.
SNS users are non professional.
It is not desirable to accept all information from the Internet.

4. How will I counter those arguments?
 If we carefully choose and accept information, it is easy to solve.
 Also, there are lots of accurate information from professional such as Facebook  Page  made by national diplomatic organization and so on.

My Refutation and Concession
 Because of the high accessibility and the features that everyone can post the article, many people are worrying that the information from SNS is inaccurate and it can rather give negative image of Korea to foreigners.
 However, these problems can be easily solved. The opponents don't have to worry about that. Nowadays, many organizations realized early that the power of SNS is enormous and they know the advantages of promotion with SNS. Therefore, many of them are already expanding their fields to SNS and actively use it. For example, there are lots of SNS official Facebook Page made by these organization. Because these Pages are run by them, reliability of information from there is high. Not only in Facebook but also in Youtube, there are lots of official Channel run by these national organization. They make video about what they do and various information that public and foreigners wonder. Also, I think that the more SNS develops, the more information became accurate.
 Therefore, their argument that information from SNS is so inaccurate that we can't use it for diplomacy is wrong.

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