2014년 9월 10일 수요일

Articulation of my argument (Week 3)

 Articulation of my argument


Social network service, so-called SNS

is an effective tool for diplomacy of Korea.

1) My argument 
I want to argue that social network service, so-called SNS is an effective tool for diplomacy of Korea.
Some people think SNS as negative thing that can provide inaccurate information to people. Some people think
it as positive tool that can be easily accessed by people. I want to persuade the former. I believe that SNS
can be an effective tool for diplomacy of Korea with its strong points.

2) How I found my argument
I have watched some Youtube video about diplomacy before and I realized that the image of diplomacy is not that good for general people.
With this experience I decided my first research question; What do people think about diplomacy of Korea? Do they really know what diplomats do? Most of people can easily sympathize with these questions. Especially in the past, most of people didn't have any means or tools to know diplomacy easily.
However, after researching, I found that there are so many information sources from SNS. And I thought that this can help people to know and be familiar to diplomacy. Also, after researching about what is the definition, function, history and features of SNS, I could assure that SNS is an effective tool for diplomacy.

3) New research questions 
I have several things that I want to know more.
a) The history of SNS marketing/SNS promotion.
b) Examples of Soft power which is used by public diplomacy

4) Connections to the Harvard Sampler 
My argument has a connection to the Harvard Sampler. My argument is about SNS, which is the result of development of information&communication and technology. With these development, we became to be in the middle of an information revolution. 
According to "The Internet and Hieronymus Bosch: Fear, Protection, and Liberty in Cyberspace" in Harvard Sampler, the writer is worrying about conflicts between liberating and limiting. My argument, social network service is an effective tool for diplomacy of Korea, is also controversial because of this problem. About this controversy, I think liberty is much more than limitation. So, I persuade opponents to think that SNS is an effective tool for diplomacy of Korea.

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  1. You need to fill this out with your own thoughts relevant to your topic
