2014년 9월 12일 금요일

Introduction of First Draft (Week 6)


1. The introduction, which warms up the audience, establishes goodwill and rapport with the readers, and announces the general theme or thesis of the argument.


  1. Attracts the audience. 
  2. Explains the topic.
  3. Declares the thesis of your argument.

 How much do you know about diplomacy? Maybe most of people only recall something abstract or stuffy to their mind. For example, when someone asks them "Do you know what diplomats do?", they will answer "Well, it only has to do with government and the Ministry of Foreign Affair. I don't know well but maybe diplomats have diplomatic conferences with other nations' diplomats, right?" How abstract and stuffy. Like this, for the general public, diplomacy seems quite distant. However, after Social Network Service, so-called SNS, appeared, it has largely changed. SNS gradually closes the distance between diplomacy and the general public who originally did not have interests on diplomacy. However, there is also concerns that SNS can effect negatively to diplomacy and interrupt it. So, in this situation, we have to ask "Does SNS really work as a diplomatic tool?", "Is SNS an effective means for Korean diplomacy?". 

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