2014년 9월 10일 수요일

+ Schedule, Grading, Contents of The Harvard Sampler

    1. Choose a topic to write about. 
    2. Research the topic.
    3. Learn the classical argument.
    4. Write a first draft.
    5. Do a self assessment.
   6. Continue researching.
    7. Write a second draft.
    8. Get feedback from peers.
    9. Continue researching.
    10. Write final draft.  


  5 points maximum for research

5 points
The student shows creativity and perseverance in her research. The research was clearly a process of exploration and reveals a pattern of thought, inquiry and revelation.
4 points
The research displays a clear, reasoned evolution from beginning to end. The student is committed to finding useful sources.
3 points
The research is adequate for completing the persuasive essay.
2 points
The research is inadequate.
0 points
There is no meaningful research.

5 points maximum for drafting

First draft (~October 26)
2 points - The first draft is thoughtful and a good start to an effective persuasive essay. It demonstrates an understanding of the classical argument.
1 point - The student completes a first draft that demonstrates an understanding of the classical argument
0 points - The first draft is inadequate
Second draft (~November 16)
3 points - The second draft builds on the ideas of the first draft in a meaningful and thoughtful way. A reasonable evolution of ideas is visible. 
2 points - The second draft is a reasonable development of the 1st draft. There is meaningful improvement in the essay.
1 point - The second draft is only improved technically. 
0 points - The second draft is not an improvement on the first draft. 

5 points maximum for final draft (~December 14)

5 points
  • Technically perfect
  • Follows the classical argument
  • Displays an interesting and unique perspective on a highly specialized topic
  • Thought provoking and captivating
  • Clearly the product of extensive drafting and research

4 points
  • Technically perfect
  • Follows the classical argument
  • Displays a unique perspective on a highly specialized topic
  • Clearly the product of thorough drafting and research

3 points
  • Follows the classical argument
  • Displays a unique perspective on a highly specialized topic
  • Some evidence of drafting and research

2 points
  • Displays a unique perspective on a highly specialized topic

0 points
  • Incomplete or inadequate

 Contents of The Harvard Sampler
    1. The Human Mind
    2. The Internet and Hieronymus Bosch: Fear, Protection, and Liberty in cyberspace
    3. Medical detectives
    4. Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution: Pattern, Process, and the Evidence

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